
 Who Are these Children?

Dear Citizens,
Have you ever heard this vedantha? Yesterday is dead, Tomorrow is yet to be born, Why worry about the bitter experiences of dead yesterday? Why worry about unborn tomorrow? It is enough if today passes pleasantly, because it is like an expensive gift to be relished.

With this lifestyle, a burning belly, un-kept hair, sunken eyes, dry skin, unwashed body, the living spaces are trains, railway platforms and streets, fighting for leftovers at the dustbins, inflicting bleeding wounds on themselves, stretching their dirty palms, hoping to gain some sympathy of the people who might give them alms.Every hour and every minute is uncertain, just like the uncertainty of the next meal.

Where should they go? how should they journey? how far should they travel? with no consciousness of their paths or the time of the day or night, facing the burning sun, rains lashing out, shivering in the cold, with no clothes to keep them warm or any sense of the month, week or day, they need to survive, the children eking out a living on the streets and platforms are forced to find ways and means for their very survival. To many of us, this might seem criminal, yet what other choices do the children have?

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